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Posted By: MarkSJohnson So I don't have halos....BFD! - 03/23/05 02:27 AM
Jeeez, the things people have to do to get some attention around here!

OK, this has nothing to do with Halos, but everything to do with the Behringer Feedback Destroyer!

I've mentioned debating this purchase on this forum several times, but I still can't get one fundamental question answered: If you use the parametric EQ to tame a peak for one location in your room, doesn't it effect other locations differently?

In my difficult, square room, I can walk around the coffee table and hear (very, very obviously!) the huge rises and nulls of my bass. I can walk two feet and go from booming bass to a null where ALL the bass virtually disappears!

Everybody that's used the BFD touts how great it works to tame difficult situations, but isn't it HUGELY location dependant if you have a room such as mine?

Convince me it's not, 'cuz I came across one at a great price locally and my wife told me to pick it up! (There's just no point in doing that until I get this question answered so I know whether it'll help or not!)
Posted By: bridgman Re: So I don't have halos....BFD! - 03/23/05 02:37 AM
Let's look at this logically :

1. BFDs are purchased by men.

2. Men hog the sweet spot.

3. Subwoofer should be positioned so that the sweet spot only has huge booming peaks, not nulls.

4. If you adjust the BFD properly the response in the sweet spot will be smooth.

What's the problem ?

Seriously, I believe it will be location dependent as you suggest. Bass traps are probably the only things that will tame the room "everywhere".

Posted By: pmbuko Re: So I don't have halos....BFD! - 03/23/05 02:50 AM

Yes, any equalizations you apply will affect the peaks and nulls in specific locations. It is virutally, if not actually, impossible to get a flat response throughout the room.

Through experimentation and a bit of luck, you can take a few peaks and nulls at a time.
Posted By: MarkSJohnson Re: So I don't have halos....BFD! - 03/23/05 03:37 AM
I love the idea of some serious acoustical treatments in this room, but even past the WAF, I'm not even sure that I would like the bass traps all over the place. If I built a custom theater room, I would definitely make lots of use out of panel combinations that, to me, would actually enhance the look of the room as well as improve it acoustically. But in this room....?

I wish someone rented bass traps and acoustic treatments. I mentioned in another thread that I'd love to just pick up my whole system and put in a "good" room for awhile to hear it. maybe what I should be wishing for is the ability to try treatments in my room for a day or two to see how much they help!

Seriously, thank you for taking the time, John!
Posted By: bridgman Re: So I don't have halos....BFD! - 03/23/05 03:54 AM
>>I wish someone rented bass traps and acoustic treatments.

Agreed. Here's the next best thing though... the guy who runs RealTraps also maintains DIY instructions for the previous generation of traps at :

The raw materials don't seem too expensive. Looks like $40-ish for a deep bass trap and $30-ish for a mid-bass trap. If I wasn't moving in a few months (into a wacky triangular HT area which hopefully won't have all the normal room mode problems ) I would have already built up a bunch of these and could tell you how they really work.
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