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OK, in the Denon manual at the end it lists a bunch of other manufacturer presets for vcr, dvd, cd, tv, etc... I assume my Denon remote can control these other brands? There are no instructions on how to do this, any ideas? I have a Sony CD player and some other equipment I would like to control with one remote. I don't plan to purchase a Harmony right now.
You sure there's no instructions? My H/K manual has a huge list of codes for other products in the back. If your Denon manual doesn't, you're going to have a hard time...

Simple instructions on page 59 for using presets.

Also, you mentioned a harmony. Please look at the URC MX-900. Can be had for $200. A bit expensive, but it is absolutely wonderful.
thanks guys, I will look again in the manual, the codes I found, just no instructions. I'll check page 59 Ray, thanks. I don't see any new purchases anytime soon, I've looked at those remotes, they look nice.
Absolutely! Ditch the Denon remote in favor of a good URC or even a Harmony. It will soon become your favorite purchase since your Axioms.
Yeah, JP is still trying to help me "get past" my Denon remote experiences. URC FTW.
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