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Two questions:

My old Onkyo receiver sometimes needs to be cranked up real loud, and the balance switch fiddled with to initiate sound from one or both channels. Sound like a short? Easy (cheap) to fix? Worth it on a circa 1992 100x2 amp heading for the garage?

Second question:

Anybody tried removing the Axiom badges from the speaker grills? The badge on my VP150 annoys me when light reflects off of it.
Yes,I removed mine by blowing a hair dryer to heat up the glue to make it movible then i just took them off...keep the hair dryer on high and leave there until you feel its nessary to remove them.

Good luck!
What is "balance switch"? -- Do you mean balance volume knob? Anyway, what I would try first would be to open up the receiver's case and treat the innards of all switches/volume pots with a contact cleaner/deoxidizer such as the CAIG DeoxIT.
Didn't damage the grills?
I agree with sushi.
Usually this cutting in and out happens with older receivers and volume knobs.
Typically it is a dirty knob, oxidized issue.
It sounds like it needs some cleaning.
No, there was no harm done to the grill cloth..
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