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Posted By: paulu axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/10/04 10:14 PM
Axiom has been using the same tweeters and woofers for a few years now. I think that's good, because you can build a home theater system over time and still have speakers that share common drivers. Other companies tend to release a new line of speakers with new drivers every couple of years making their old ones obsolete. Are there any plans for Axiom to change to newer drivers in the near future?
Posted By: pmbuko Re: axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/10/04 10:48 PM

I'm pretty sure there aren't any driver upgrades (used correctly here, no? ) in the works -- unless you're talking about subwoofers. There have been rumors that Axiom is working on a new line of subs, but we don't know any details.
Posted By: gnrajagopal Re: axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/10/04 11:11 PM
On the same note, i wonder what axiom is planning for the future.....its been quiet a while since an addition was made to the lineup.
It would be great if ammie/alan can hint on whats in store for the 25th aniversary...... new line of spkrs?, additions to the current lineup?

M23[M80/2] would b a great add!!
Posted By: Haoleb Re: axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/10/04 11:52 PM
well... you know. If it aint broke. dont fix it!
Posted By: pmbuko Re: axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/11/04 12:16 AM
Remember that speakers are not like computers. Their development doesn't follow Moore's Law.
Posted By: paulu Re: axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/11/04 02:55 AM
An m23 might be cool, but I think, based on the comments on this message board, Axiom would more likely design a new subwoofer.
Posted By: FordPrefect Re: axiom tweeters and woofers - 03/11/04 01:08 PM
Nothing new will be released until after April 28th.
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