Take a look at this 'old' couch panorama pic and you will see why i cannot use the exercise area for the projector (it would
have to project down the hallway, you would have to duck your head under it to get to the laundry room and its
picture placement would be VERY off centred on the tv wall).

Chek out the same picture above. There are stairs directly behind my couch and then only a hallway
beside that. There is no where to move my couch and hence, moving the M60s
out further will place them 6 feet from my viewing spot with no change in couch
position possible (left, right, backward or forward).
Note the coffee table also in front of the couch. A necessity.

I told you this was an awkward room.
We are still shocked that the 50" Toshiba even made the turn down the stairs into the basement.

The second picture in yesterdays post was taken with a WEBCAM if you can believe it (the Creative Labs PCcam 600).
The first picture (and the one in this post) was taken with a very expensive digivid cam in still shot mode.
It obviously takes better video than it does stills.
The only problem with the PCcam is that you cannot take close shots (must be
further than at least 3 feet from your subject) so as cameras go, it is really only
useful for large or stand back type images. Using it for ebay snaps of a sale item is just useless
as you can see in this shot of my Harmon Kardon 380i receiver that drives my home office Tannoys.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."