two things brought about 99.99% of advancement in human civilizations. Big enough hammers and adhesives. I would
suggest glue in your case ;-) And of course I'm not serious.

What about couple of pounds of lead shot on top of it? Just make sure your dog doesn't eat it.

Last one: Early, big IBM disks looked like
big cupboards with platters rotating and heads moving
in them. There was an urban legend in IBM that a
guy wrote a piece of software that was accessing the
disks in a pattern that caused the head to hit
self-inducing-frequency (or whatever that's called
in english ;-) of the enclosure. So NSA has this
room full of them and it's high security and locked.
The programer runs somehow this software over-night
from a terminal in another room and
the disk walks away from the wall and unplugs itself.
The urban legend further claims that the security
guard that opened the maximum security vault in the
morning got so scared that he went mental ;-)

--- tony