In reply to:

To prove him wrong, you need to show him hard evidence...

Just my opinion, but if someone expresses an opinion that a company or person is engaging in unethical behavior, THAT person is the one who should provide the evidence. To express such an opinion WITHOUT evidence is irresponsible at best, and maliciously libelous at the worst. Innocent until proven guilty.

HIS evidence is a 4 year old graph of a speaker that has undergone changes and improvements. The graph of the current M80 IS evidence that he, and others simply refuse to accept, based on implications of possible unethical behavior, i.e, the manipulation of NRC graphs. I ask the question again. Do you really believe Axiom manipulated the current NRC graphs?

(I want to make it clear that Curtis has NEVER stated or implied that Axiom manipulated the current NRC graphs. I'm merely asking if he agrees with Grandarf's speculation that that is a possibility.)


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton