Ops. The link under my name was incorrectly placed. It should be above my name. That post was not by me. It was a Thread that help me in building my 2nd HTPC. Will post results on the new box later on.

As per my comment above on the EPIA mobo. I do not think it is a poor product. It is great for an easy to do All-in-one package. Great for music and DVDs. I thought to myself why was I not having issues like some other people on building a HTPC. The EPIA solves the everything within the package deal. It is silent, small, almost fanless and has the built-in motion compensation chip. It is a great HTPC.

I didn't get into problems until I started building a HTPC with more ummphhh. More power was needed, quiet cooling and better airflow. The new Redeon's has superior video output. It gave a substantially cleaner DVD output. This new box definitely has now enough horsepower to push the new 3D games. Although currently a Celeron 2.2 I will upgrade to a Hyper threading CPU when the prices of those go down. It didn't run XP sluggishly like the EPIA did when working with apps. Was able to pick up a deal on the Radeon 9700 DDR 128. It was OEM and came with Sapphire Cd drivers. I install the standard ATI Catalyst drivers and it looks like it detects a Radeon Pro 9700. I might be wrong. It was a nice price of $329 CDN or $235 US.

dwm can you post a review on the HUSH box after you have
it all setup. I would like to know your finding since I have yet to see anyone post a review on performance on the box.

This is another case that caught my eye outside of the Hush. Its only sold out of Japan. and it aint cheap.
$1115US barebones system!!!
