You can probably surmise by how your electronics were behaving during your experiment that connecting two amps and alternating between them is not a good idea. Remember that the top posts on the speaker are only wired internally to the mids and tweeters, while the bottom posts are only wired to the woofers. Even if your electronics were functioning normally, this would not be a good way to compare equipment since you're not getting the whole picture. In order for all the drivers to be firing, you need to be applying power to both sets of posts simultaneously.

As to why your electronics were cutting in and out, they were probably going into overload protection mode. I don't believe the sets of posts are entirely electically separate since they still must go through crossover circuitry inside the speakers. The amp that is active might still "see" the inactive amp as a load on the wire, causing it to strain while attempting to drive the extra load.

I don't think feedback from the standby receiver had much to do with as it probably would have occurred had it been physically unplugged, as well.

Keep the straps between the posts in place and resign yourself having to swap cables.

Last edited by pmbuko; 08/22/05 03:04 AM.