I also had an amp failure on an SVS sub -- it started making a strange "wubba wubba" noise whenever it was powered on for a while. Not picking on SVS (they sent a new amp out the next day, SVS is second only to Axiom for service), I just think power amps tend to be more problematic than passive speakers.

I second the suggestion to work things out with Axiom but if I wanted something different and felt the EP350 might be more than I needed my first thought would be the good 'ol HSU STF2. I don't want to scare you away from subwoofers but you can even find a passel of amp failure complaints about Hsu if you dig a little. I haven't seen a single brand of sub that is immune to the occasional problem... and there are enough EP350 owners on the board here that it seems safe to say there is nothing inherently unreliable about the Axiom subs.

The "static" on the TV bothers me a bit... I don't have any direct experience with this but I thought that the interference problem with subs was mostly "fixed" colour fringing... just have a nagging thought that there might be something wacky with your power feeds...

>>the EP350 had been causing so much static on the screen that it made watching any movies with the color black unbearable...no matter where in the room it was positoned

This sounds really wierd. Are you saying the sub could be 8 or 10 feet away from the TV and still interfere with the picture ?

Last edited by bridgman; 08/23/05 02:47 AM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8