Pointing up around ear level is correct. So when the test tones play on each speaker you don't have to reorient the SPL. Just keep it in front of your face pointing up at one place as you go through all test tones on all speakers. Thats how I calibrated all my speakers including my sub. The AVIA disk also has a good subwoofer tone that tests the low frequency by cycling down the Hz. This can actually test how low your sub can really go. This test also if your mains are crossovered to your sub correctly. I never realized I had a dip in sound level around 65Hz when I had my receiver crossovered at 60Hz, so I raised the crossover of my receiver to 80Hz and the tone blanded nicely from my mains to my sub. At pink noise levels I set all my speakers to 75Hz including my sub so that all will be playing at the same loudness level. DTS and DD sounds fantastic when calibrated like this. The sub now is not too loud or too soft.


ps: my mains actually image better when I set it to small and crossovered to 80Hz. The mid range, stage and clarity dramitically improved. All speakers are diffrent though. My old Monitor Audio Silver S6 (configuration and sounds like a M60) sounded better when you set it to Large and set the crossover to 40 - 60Hz