The Tara Labs are great! I'm not really sold on older Monsters. I found no difference between ratshack 12g and Monsters. Actually Monsters seemed vieled (I have older monster bi-wire with that super think grey jacket). Another relatively cheap wire is Kimber 4TC. The dynamics seemed great to me. Very revealing but sometimes too much if speakers are of metal type. I like it. I own a pair. Interconnects either Kimber Hero (a little too overpriced) or Vandenhul Bay C5 Hybrid which also is used for cars is a general purpose interlink. Remember these cables may not necessarily be better than ratshack 12g cables. But to me personally I thought I heard a discernable difference. A difference that I actually liked. If you have a good dealer you should be able to bring in your ratshack 12g and test them against any wire they are trying to sell you and then you can do a A-B comparison. If you could not tell the difference stick to the the ratshack 12g and spend your money elsewhere like on DVD and CDs. My 2 cents.
