Allright, now that I got my Vassallo Series M3's v2 to replace my old 7.1 rear channels I figured I would post a couple new pics.

If anyone remebers, you can follow the old link, I've also removed my wall hanging center to relocate it to below the screen. I like it much better here, but I need to finish the custom stand I'm making out of my scrap hardwood flooring.

Let me know what you think...

Entering the bassment, like the centre stand/ramp? At least the Fireplace matches the Boston Cherry!!

Front..ignore the stand in progress


Rear 2, after a couple beers it was in focus

New Vassallo's

New Vassallo close up before mounting... not like that Sirquak!!

Equipment, 1 dead HDTV box/DVR and don't be jealous a $29 CDN DVD player!!

High Gloss Cherry
M60 VP150 QS8
Open for Auditions but please don't drool on the High Gloss