I considered by YSP-1 also at first. It was suggested on Audioholics for the 3K budget. Biggest WAF in my case.
Sound was good at the store, but I had an asymetrical room and it wouldn't fit in the furniture after measuring things at home. But it was an OK setup - mind you I hadn't listened to Axioms before.

Back to Audioholics, next budget level up (5K) = the Axioms M22s - Grand Master modified package.
That's where I heard of them and researched more.
I also realized that I could put QS4/QS8s on the wall without using the extra stands. The mounting brackets are included: my QS8 are right against the wall which I like better. Wife likes that they're not sticking out from the wall.

So after checking out Axiom and figuring the floorstandings
were quite close to the bookshelves + stands, I picked M60s / QS8s / VP100 and EP350. After just one day of use, I can tell the YSP-1 and M60s are in a different class. You pay for it, but it's certainly a level up.