I have had both the VP100 & 150. I had the 100 with M22s and my current M60s and it did great. No complaints. I sold it recently and upgraded to the 150 mainly because of aaarrrrgggghhhh...Upgraditis!!! I am so glad that I did. As I said, the 100 was fine but the 150 is louder, crisper and at least in my system, has a better soundstage. The 150 also seems to blend in better with the 60s. What I'm saying here is that, with movies, it's hard to tell which speaker the sounds are coming from, it's just all up front. I don't know if that's good or bad or what, but we love it at our house. Go with the 150 if you can although you will not be disappointed if you go with the 100.