Everyone makes valid points. If you're interested, I can PM you some info I put together for a friend this week. He's in the same boat and he's a real newbie. I joked to him about not getting Bose and he honestly said that'd be hard to convince his wife since she's sold on Bose. AAAAAAAAAAARRRGGH!!!

I chose EDTV plasma because it fit my needs. My kid only watches her DVDs, no HD needed. My wife watches about 5% HD shows and in all honesty, she could care less if it's HD vs SD, although she agrees there's a big diff. For me, I watch about ~90% HD, strangely, I'll watch crap if it's HD... My only regret now is that I did not get a bigger screen, placing the 42" on the wall from a stand made it look smaller. Maybe I need a bigger truck to compensate...

One basic thing to remember, you only need an HD display if you actually will be watching HD. If you don't intend to get HD service or an HD DVD or Bluray player, heck, CRT might be fine. It's even a better pic.

Last edited by oldskoolboarder; 10/05/05 06:35 PM.