Ok here it goes again, after a little dissapointment with the Ep350 specifically for music but I guess that makes the same difference in movies. I researched what seems to be the most commonly regarded sub with all the high standards in mind (as I have) the HSU VTF 3mk2 after comparison I could tell instantly that this was what I was after in an accurate, no fade/distortion of music and movie LFE. I did find it to be cleaner than the 350 as much as I hate to admit but again I think it is important to state this here!

The bass was deeper and more abrupt <sort of quicker> but only when it seemed obvious that the sound field was designed to output that way. The bass extension was also a little deeper but noticed only sometimes (although more noticable at the mid-low freq) and also cleaner sounding through out what seemed like the full range. The most difference was noted at the lowest end which sounded a little more faded and distorted on the 350. Overall the base out of the HSU was not boomy and boxy like it was noticed to a fair (small degree) on the 350 in comparison> this was more pronounced after listening to both subs where I did not notice it as much before the HSU came into play. For these reasons the HSU came out as the substantial winner for me.

So now I am stuck with the next decision, should I try out the EP500 and compare it to the HSU? The price for the HSU can be had for $750-800 CDN in comparison. My thoughts for the decision will be> if the EP500 performs on par or better than the HSU, than how much better would it have to perform to justify the price difference between the two? One other reason I am skeptical is that the VTF 3mk2 sounded cleaner in all freq. (I realize the question is not something that can be answer technically but I am hoping for some feedback from anyone who had a chance to compare the 500 to the HSU subs) Obviously I wasn't able to compare to the 500 and want to save time and maybe some extra shipping if possible.

Bottom line for me now is most likely I will return the 350 and up it for the VTF 3mk2 or possibly try the 500 first?

FYI I found the HSU 3mk2 was the most common positively regarded sub from friends, forums researched and reviews (to be fait> sort of the same way I found Axiom)

I enjoy the research on this and other forums. The input is helpful especially so when it comes from sources other than the manuf. Warning; this forum maybe biased somewhat but it really is justly so and you will tell once you own these sweet sounding speakers.

Most people who come in here initially are doing research to make informed decisions and get the best stuff we can while saving a few bucks here and there! hopefully there is nothing wrong with that

Any comments, recommendations please feel free.