You're doing it wrong.

First you get the Axioms and then the rest of the furniture to match.

I'm joking of course, yet as I'm writing this I remember telling my wife the other day that we should have some custom bookshelves made for our living room that will match my Beech Axioms, because I haven't been too successful at matching the color exactly and don't have time to build them myself.

Our state prison is here in town and they have an excellent woodworking program. Across the street from the prison, they've opened up a store and showcase for their furniture and crafts. Excuse the pun, but the prices are a steal since there's no labor costs. You can get a large, beautiful mahogony roll-top desk for a few hundred bucks and a nice solid hardwood 24" x 72" bookshelf (nicely trimmed and finished) for $100.

Ooops, I guess that was a bit of a hijack. Sorry.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::