Well I got my 635 delivered today

The good:

-Sounds amazing! The bass is so much sharper, and the soundstage is better (bigger and clearer). Loved it for music in stero, and HT in 5.1.
-At the same levels, it's about 5-7db louder than my Yamaha receiver rated at 30 watts more per channel. I have a 4000 sq/ft room and music is almost too loud at -35db.
-Configuration options for everything.
-Auto Eq. All I had to change was the center and surround xover from 120 to 100hz. Speaker volume levels were perfect.
-Looks sexy.

The bads:

-HK quality control. My Logic7 processor is broken on my 635, so I have to exchange it for another brand new one. I've always had good luck with HK customer service, so I don't mind this too much. And in my opinion, HK stuff usually comes broken, or works without any problems for a long time.
-Receiver menu doesn't show out component video, which doesn't make any sense considering it upconverts. Luckily you don't really need it after you configure everything.
-The manual can be pretty vague at times, but most of the options are petty intuitive.

So that's my rundown. I love it, it's just too bad I gotta wait a week for a new one to arrive.