I'm afraid that I can't help with your problem either....but I do know of another subwoofer nightmare than can be just as vexing

Like when you get a new driver to replace your old ten incher in your antique sub enclosure and you find that it vibrates windows and fireplace accessories unmercifully...and...has about a huntret and a half db peak and valley...and...WILL NOT intregrate at all well with the rest of the system...and...due to the magnet in the new 12 incher weighing literally more than the old 10" driver did in it's entirety, is capable of distroying any chance of a watchable picture on our RP CRT if it's left in its' optimum location.

My cables were long enough to put the sub on the fireplace hearth and fire it down the long dimension of the room; and that helped, some. But WAF.....

So I took the sub out of the system for a couple weeks while depressingly trying to decide what to do next...the ol' 10 incher wouldn't bolt back up in the box cause the 12" hole wouldn't offer sufficient thread bite....and...a hurricane was a-commin...and...the dear M50s in their restricting cabinets just couldn't muster up enough bass to sound much like a real honest-to-goodness sub in the system.

Audio just didn't sound like fun anymore.

Ah Phooie

Eventually....after the Wife reminded me yet once again about the impending official release of Star Wars III; that I got back to work on the delemma.

A Sub Crawl indicated that the ONLY usable location was in the back of the room right where the left rear M3 sits on top of a cabinet...a big...heavy cabinet.(OK, not too big and not too heavy, but a real hassle to relocate)So I moved the cabinet and the M3 and totally lost any surround effects...Rats!!

Build a shelf for the M3....surround is back

Back to the sub....

...Son has access to a CD or DVD with frequency sweeps that may help in setting up the sub.....COOL!!

...He stops over for a visit....but forgot the disc at his house....OK though, cause He admits that he blew a tweeter in his system while trying it out.


OK; We'll work around it.

(Whew...coulda been ME!!)

Bottom line...

...with a bit of tweaking in the recievers' EQ, and a lot of fiddling with the variable phase control, and the gain, and the crossover settings(the crossover isn't at all linear and works in conjunction with the phase, giving varrying elbow relationships)on the plate amp, so that I finally got it to work acceptably well

(an SPL meter and proper set-up DVD are outside of the budget cause the Grandkids like to eat, and their school likes lotsa field trips to raise extra money, and Christmas is coming, and like that, but...ears work, and with a little more time and a little more tweaking....)