thanks guys for chiming in... I'm doing some reading on the boards of other threads and it is helping.

Here is a little more about my room setup.

I have my M80s on the floor on either end of my TV (Pioneer 730HDI), and the VP150 is on top of the TV. So it's about 4 feet higher than the tweeters of the fronts (which I read was correct placement for a center... > 3ft.)

I have it right at the front of the TV, slightly toed down. I'm going to try to move it around a bit... maybe toe it down a bit more. My family room is about 20x19, 2 stories... carpeted. I do have a coffee table in between my TV and my "sweet spot". But I would assume that would affect the fronts as it affects the center?

But have you guys done the timbre sweep of the fronts with AVIA or the like and not noticed a HUGE differnece in sound?

Again, i'm going to play with it a bit more. Normal listening, it sounds great.. very detailed. But when I'm watching a movie near reference levels.. there are times when it gets so harsh I have to turn it down becuase it makes me cringe! I never used to have to do that.

It could be the pairing with the amps or the HK as well. I think Denon is known to be a more laid back receiver. But again, i'm not expert... just relaying what i'm hearing!

thanks again for all the help!
