Allow? ALLOW? Fer the love of... Look, buddy...aaarrghhh! I don't know where to begin. So the music industry has executive powers that ALLOWS it do deny sales of new technology? I didn't know that. Guess I should go ahead and burn my reel-to-reel and cassette and VCR and Tivo as well as my dual-layer DVD burner. Meanwhile go ahead and keep posting here asking for advice from Axiophiles while listening to all of your non-Axiom gear and bashing Axiom subs while buying Axiom speakers on eBay and asking advice on how to rip them off for a replacement set. Check out a website called for news on how consumers and lawmakers are pushing back on the industry as far as digital rights go. You are reaping the ill-gotten un-thinking underbelly rewards of the digital age with nary a thought for the consequences of your actions. And you are totally ignoring the gist of setting yourself up with high-end audio equipment. I'll bet you watch DVD's "shrunk" to half-size with online software to avoid actually buying or renting one. And you have the f*cking gall to ask us to help you find a workaround?

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti