I have just puchased a small home but have a full basement. The room dementions if I build the theater room with it this way will be 10' 7" x 26 ft in depth. I will have the prime seating about 14 or 15 ft away from the speakers and screen. I have the Epic 60 500 set up. I have measured it all out and I can barely squeeze all of my speakers and the sub with the tv into that width of space. My question is this. Will having the speakers this close cause any problems? The sub will be right next to the wall on one side and the tower speaker on the other. Will this contribute to a boomy sound or will I be able to get clean response from it in this situation. Also I am planing on putting carpet and drywall up in the room to make it a nice room. In short I am wondering what would be the best way to set this up for the best sound quality. Will I need some sound absorbing materials hanging on my walls? What about a bass trap or anything like that? I know I have all of this stuff STUFFED in a 12 by 11 bedroom right now and holy cow does the bass BOOM!!! Literally shakes the house and window frames. Poor sub can't breathe in here. Anyway I want to hide the wires run them through the walls. In a room with that small a width do I need a rear presence speaker? Will it make the sound envelope that much more emersive? Are these room dementions ok for not producing standing waves? Since it is 2 in the morning I can tell my writing is hard to follow sorry about that guys. I would ultimately like to move the wall about another foot or two, but my furnace sits there and it is a support wall. Does anyone know about how expensive it is to move that stuff or if it can be done?

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center