Not to bring up the ol' fight... but looks like sometime this week, depending on time, a long time buddy and I are doing an ABX comparison on copper.

He's agreed my Axiom 12ga. wire is a good example of quality "boutique" wire, and is pretty sure it'll sound better than my wire of choice - SJ-2... 2 conductor, 16ga. extension cord he had sitting in a box... I'm giving him 4 AWGs and I won't clean the oxidation (about 10 years worth) off the ends, just to prove a point. Single-blind ABX comparison, 10 tries... we both agree on a score of 7-8 (7 being a cusp of sorts) or above "correct" being a good number to indicate that there is a difference heard, 3-6 being equivalent to a coin flip, and 0-2 would be an odd result to achieve.

Program material will be a female pop vocalist (something from Lisa's collection - probably Sarah McLachlin) and a jazz piece, both pieces will be something neither of us are familiar with.

Kind of looking forward to it... we're both going into this open mindedly... he wants to know if he "drank the Kool-Aid" (his words) when his boutique cables made his speakers sound better and I wouldn't mind another listening session with even higher stakes (I've done this before with less difference between cables - going to try this real torture test, and if this proves it again, I'll probably try it again with spit-soaked string to find that area where it will finally make an appreciable difference)

Bren R.