Ok. Obviously I have a basement that I am going to create a theater room out of. The thing I don't want to have happen is my girlfriend telling me every five minute to turn it down. This situation makes no one happy. I want to be able to watch my movies like I am at the theater, but at the same time I don't want to blow out my girlfriend upstairs. I have been doing some research on it and there seem to be many different products, but I am not a Sound Guru and I need some advice. Ian, HELP!!! or if anyone else knows of ways to do this. I ultimately want everyone to be happy. Are there any low cost ways I can build it. I would like to do it myself without a contractor. The room is a concrete basement floor with no walls. I am going to build the studing myself with my dad. So I really have a lot of options. Anyone out there know the best way to do this? Thanks

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center