As Napoleon Dynamite would say: "Lucky." The ATL and tapes was a big expense for our little company. We tried to talk them into something with more overhead but they just couldn't do it. So in a few months when we're maxed out they'll have to bite the bullet for another ATL, probably starting with one drive. Of course this wouldn't have happened if the Controller hadn't decided she needed a $100K ERP system. Oh well, our source code and documentation are always first priority. When we start telling the Sales folk that we can't back up all of their email and user folders you KNOW money will magically appear. @#$% Sales. On the other hand they DO spend most of their resources on their employees, because a SW engineering company is just a box with computers in it without the people. And our 40 person company is WAY less stressful than Intel was. BTW I can't imagine how long it takes for a 300GB tape to complete a backup. Don't want to either. *sigh* Soon enough. Databases just keep growing and growing and growing. Our source code and doc folders take up only 4GB, most of it docs. The smallest database one of our customers might keep is 20GB. We store copies here for our DBA's to "massage" as they like to put it.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti