Equalization will not fully solve the problem of even frequency response across a broad area in an HT room. Room acoustics and proper speaker/sub phase are major factors to consider first. Multiple subs and acoustical treatments carefully positioned are far more effective at smoothing nodes. Still, an SMS-1 as icing on the cake is useful in further flattening response across the seats but it is unrealistic to expect a tabletop like curve. My SMS-1 is on order and I will be using it as the final tweak after postioning and getting the phasing right on my 2 600s and 2 500s next week.

In a single sub configuration the equalizer will help but across a narrower area, the sweet spot. Several people have taken the approach of measuring curves across the various seats and then averaging to get a better response across several seats rather than the best response in one seat. That seems to be a better implementation in any event whether one is using single or multiple subs, unless of course only the sweet spot really matters.
