OK, it was a desperate ploy to get you to look, but I need some help/suggestions from the great body of knowledge on this board.

My oldest son (13) in particular has been getting more and more into music. Makes a dad proud! He's got a nice little stereo system with a pair of M2s and my old NAD integrated amp, etc. This Christmas I gave him my dad's old turntable since he has been very interested in vinyl as of late.

Now he's been reading about equipment (and has watched me buy and sell tons of it over the years), and has started asking me questions. So I need some assistance.

The plan for this weekend was taking him through some test tones so we can both become more familiar with what 200Hz sounds like vs. 1Khz sounds like vs 2.4Khz, etc. (We're pretty familiar with what sub 60 Hz sounds like already! )

I've been trying to help him understand imaging and soundstage. In addition to Axioms in the house (M22 and M3 as well as the M2) I also have Maggies and Dynaudios. So we'll also play around with how imaging and soundstage differ with speakers & placement as well.

I'm looking for suggestions of recordings that will help demonstrate both imaging and soundstage. Between albums and CDs I've got about a 1,000 titles, but I can't come up with any great ideas to use for the demonstration. My tastes are pretty eclectic, and the titles have a wide range, but are almost completely devoid of any classical music -- which I'm assuming would provide some of the best examples.

I'm happy to go out and buy something (of any style/genre) specifically for this lesson. If you good folks could suggest recordings (2 channel please!) that would help demonstrate these concepts. I'm also assuming that someone will suggest something that may already be in the collection.

Any notes or comments on what the recordings demonstrate ("you can hear Eric Clapton's guitar move from the right rear stage, cross in front of BB King at center stage, and then move to the left of Al Kooper on stage left just as Al hits the triangle on...") would be most appreciated.

Edit Addition: I'm guessing some of the demo tracks people like to use when auditioning speakers would also be a good source since folks are often evaluating imaging & soundstage.

I'm really looking forward to spending the weekend doing this with my boys, so thanks in advance for all of your assistance!

Take care,

Last edited by samandnoah; 01/06/06 05:31 PM.