Okay, John, you've described your equipment and it's all stereo without any bass management, so you'll use what Dr. Hsu provides. You still didn't describe your exact sub and M3 hookup, but I'll assume that you've run regular speaker wires from the 1070 to the speaker level inputs on the VTF-2. Then, you could have also run speaker wires from the same 1070 outputs directly to the M3s, but it's more likely that you used the speaker level outputs on the VTF-2 to feed the M3s. If so, the VTF-2 outputs have a(nominal)crossover above about 90hz to the M3s. The 60hz sub setting you're using(if accurate)rolls off the sub above 60hz. I don't have a VTF-2 and have no idea(have any owners tested theirs?)how accurate the crossover markings are, but you may be getting a bit of weakness between these 60 and 90hz crossovers and should set the cross all the way up to 90hz to match the crossover to the M3s. The sub almost always is best put directly in the corner.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.