The Apple/Mac is just about dead. If it wasn't for the iPod they'd been a whole different situation right now and not for the good either.

Next is OSX on PC's, and MAC Clones. How is OSX going to compete with Windows on clones? MAC's have always been made by and built by apple. They only needed softare drivers for the hardware they put into their own machines. Doesn't get much easier then that. Then only OS stability advantage they have had has been due to the fact that they can focus on supporting the limited hardware they have.

Look at Windows, totally opposite, and they'be been making OS's with larger hardware support for ions. Apple is already 20-30 years behind in hardware support, they just can't compete. Apple sells around 6 million total desktops/laptops per year. MS selling over 150 million OEM Licenses for XP alone per year. The Proof is in the puddin. Let the mac die.

FYI, I work in a large university, and we have MAC's and PC's. I'm in the computer dept and we support both. I don't hate OSX, I actually think it's a neat little OS, but it's so limited I have no purpose for it. Computers are never going to be straight forward until we are all using the same thing. Boring yes. But there needs to be a standard.

Look at your telephone. You don't know how it works right? But your neighbors phone works when you call them right? the joy of a communications standard

What about TV? You turn it on, it works right? We all can get the same channels because there is a broadcasting standing right.

We need a universal standard for a personal computer. To be honest I don't care which one it is, but with the market being so dominated by MS, it only makes sense to go with it.

I can rant about this all day. btw, MACS do indeed crash. I see it all the time.

Last edited by newf; 01/15/06 10:08 PM.

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12