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Everytime I play a source (CD, DVD-V or DVD-Audio), I always switch between and listen to both the Digital PCM (optical connection) and the External Decoder In (analog connections) signal.

I wasn't aware the 82 has DVD-A capabilities, but upon looking it up, you're right. Learn something new everyday. Too bad they discontinued it.

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99.9% of the time, I prefer the External Decoder In. Of course if I want the DSP modes (rarely) I have to switch to the Digital connection.

I should hope so. In DVD-A, the digital connection doesn't carry the high bit rate signal. It's a normal DD/DTS. You have to use analog out to get the high bit rate audio.

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A couple of good features on this machine for audio use are the 'Audio Only' and 'Re-Master'. I haven't thoroughly experimented so cant be 100% sure but the 'Audio Only' psychologically seems to sound better.

The best video reproduction of any other DVD player on the planet, according to most reviews, is a good feature too.