hi guys, need some help

i just purchased a denon 3805 from my local audio store. I am trying to set up my old stereo speaker system until the axiom speakers arrive (another 6 weeks). i have a 5.0 technics speaker system (No subwoofer basically). I hope the speakers work becuase it is at least 12 years old and i have never used it, nor have i ever set a receiver up before.

1.) i have read online that i need to set the cross over before i run the auto setup test. How do i do this and what should i set it as???

2.) next, after auto setup, should i turn the EQ off???

3.)the audioholic website review on denon 3805 only talks about autosetup and EQ when setting up system, however, my manuals lay out a lot of things to configure, do i need to do all of them or does auto setup bascially do all of them already??? eg. setup delay time?? speaker config??? channel level, surround sp setup, input setup, auto tuner?????? etc............

this should get the ball rolling for me.

denon 3805 waiting for: M60ti QS8 VP150 EP500