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Looking at your diagram, I wondered why the two extra surrounds (for 7.1?) aren't located behind the seating area, which is where they are intended to go if you are running 7.1.

But perhaps you are running 5.1 with multiple surrounds for better coverage? If the latter, I don't think you'd need to angle the rear QS8s towards the listening area. Their very broad dispersion depends on reflections from a variety of room surfaces. Try it both ways.

Yes, it is supposed to be a 7.1 system. I was wondering about the placement of the rears on the sides to the back. I was going with the sound pattern using the degrees of separation as shown in your article (courtesy of Dolby Labs?). In retrospect, I guess that is not the best idea.

My thinking (there I go again) was that I could attain better separation on the rear channels by getting them further apart and thus placing them on the side walls where the shaded sound field indicated, versus placing them closer together on the back wall.

The other concern would be whether or not QS8s (or likely QS4s would be adequate) or W2s would be best for the rear channel application. If I went with W2s for rear surrounds, would that mean I would have to mount them at "seated ear level" versus close to the ceiling? Comments?