Thanks everyone for the ideas. chesseroo, I understand the CD/DVD medium from a technically functional point of view with the multiple layers and such, and none of the discs are scratched down to the actual data layer, but your additional info may help out someone else who may read or search this thread. Thank you my friend!

HomeDad, I will search for the car wax option to see if people have better results with one brand over another, etc. Thank you.

F107plus5, the discs get scratched mainly when we take the movies on the road. We have one of those 24 disc, zip shut carrying cases that we use, but I think that a lot of the scratched came before we started enforcing its use. I know of the storage device that you are talking about, and as you mentioned, portability isn't there, but that is a great idea for home.

real80sman. For the really bad discs, I may have to call around to see if someone does a resurfacing. Interesting idea, but also seems like, depending on the application method, a hit or miss type of thing. Could end up ruining the disc, and then you would here, of course, "Well, the disc was too badly scratched to fix." or something. Still worth the look.

Thanks guys.

Farewell - June 4, 2020