When I sit right next to the sub on the couch, yes, I can tell EXACTLY where the bass is coming from no matter how low I set it. But when I get about 2-3’ away from it, no, I can’t tell where it’s coming from - even when I’m sitting in the massage chair directly in front of it. I did have the sub about 12’ behind the couch last week, but couldn’t ever get it right. No matter what I did to it, I could always tell where the bass was coming from so I figured I’d try this out for a while. When I moved the M80’s up here, I had to get rid of a couch that would have been directly in front of the left speaker, so I drug the chair up 16 steps and plopped it where it sits– all 275 pounds of it. Hell, this is all play time anyway? Right? It’s fun to move things around, change settings and buy new stuff just to see/hear what the difference is.

I should be done with the dedicated room in about two months. It’s in the daylight basement and I’m finishing it room by room as I move materials from one room to the other…… (those who’ve remodeled or built a home while living in it should be able to relate to this material shuffle). I just got the first coat of tape/mud on the HT room walls Tuesday. Now I have to hang rock in the spa room and hallway and I’ll be able to finish all the basement walls and lay the tile and hardwood. The dedicated room will be 12’ X 16’ X 8.5’. Not a whole lot bigger than the little loft area in the picture, but definitely more acoustical than the loft.

I have never been a big fan of listening to music in surround before. – until yesterday that is. I’ve been playing with this system and the two channel system downstairs, listening to the same CD’s on both systems back to back trying to differentiate between the two. Plus it gave me an excuse to listen to my SRV and Double Trouble collective three CD set on both systems that I bought at Costco for twenty bucks! Well now I’m hooked! While I love the good ol’ two channel music, listening in surround is incredibly immersive. It’s like being wrapped by music. A very pleasurable experience. And the 600 is just down right amazing! I read a lot of praise about this sub for movie watching, and it is deserving of this praise, but you don’t hear a whole lot about how well it plays music. This thing is sooooooo smooth, so tight, so accurate and powerful in music playback I’m probably going to buy a second one for the two channel system downstairs. If I can figure out where to put one and if Axiom starts making them in a piano black finish to match the Whardales, I’ll be placing an order for one. There’s just no comparison between the 600 and the Outlaw I’m using for that system. I thought the Outlaw was a great sub for music, but the 600 is so much better, I now feel that system is severely lacking.

I’m having a blast with all this great audio gear!! I think I finally “get it”. Before, I just liked to listen to music, now I’m totally hooked and understand why this is more than just a hobby.