same audition info here

I may be new to this "scene" but can assure you its a MUCH more civil and enjoyable read at the AH link vice the other forum. I also believe that is exactly why he has put it up at AH. just my opinion, don't flame me if its wrong. won't do u any good anyhow, I have add a flameproof suit for quite some time now lol.

and just when I thought i "KNEW" I wanted a HSU VTF-3 MK2 along comes the HO .... oh shiznitz ... my dilema with ANY choosing is my 'desire" keeps leading to a bigger expenditure. was thinking of the Axiom epic grand master [-] the ep350, and the more I read the harder it all becomes to choose which components to build a system with. SIGH
Peace Out, gotta hit the hay, will check back tomorrow.