OK, Got back this arvo and first thing was to start setting up the gear! Hooked up the Fronts and for the first few minutes was very aware of what silibrance (if that is the word) was for the first time but within a few minutes of listening to pure direct it seemed to settle down (or my ears did). Got the others up and going and again all so far so good but then came the EP500. I’ve so far not got it anywhere near what I’d call OK (but I’m sure it is my ineptitude at setting this puppy up).

1st EP500 Attempt at setup – Sounded terrible, very boomy, laggy/slow, and easy to localise. But then again I could not get the Yami to do an Auto Setup as all I would get was an W3 Error from the Amp (“Adjust the output volume of the subwoofer”) if the sub was on. It was also it the corner of the room which I’m to understand is not the always a good placement option.

2nd EP500 Attempt at setup – OK, I’ve moved the EP500 out of the corner (at the other end of the entertainment unit), lowered the Vol to 40% (as per the Yami instructions) and managed to calibrate it successfully! However in checking the results of the calibration all my speakers as set at +7 to +10DB and the EP500 is -9.5DB. Trouble is it is now late at night so I can not crank it up to see how it sounds.

Any thoughts welcome!

HT:M80,VP150,QS8,EP500 Outside:4xM3 Office:AudioBytes, Rumpus: M60,VP150,M22 Portable:2 x Airs