I can't believe it!
Friday, when I got home from work, the Fed Ex truck came pulling up to my house with a delivery.
Before I could ask what he had, (I have not ordered anything of late) I saw the first Axiom box.......then another, and another, etc.

When it was all said and done......there before me was a brand spankin' new Epic 80/600 home theater system! ( I never have had a full, home theater system yet, let alone one with a 600 sub!!!!)
After checking to see if there was some kind of error, I QUICKLY DISCOVERED IT WAS REALLY ALL MINE!

Now, to make a long story short.....I opened all the boxes, (also to see if this was an elaborate hoax) to find out who sent this fantastic gift to me.
This only gets better....the Epic 80 system is done in the new real wood veneer! (classic oak)

I found no clue inside as to who sent this to me, but the speakers all had small, gold plates on the back saying:
"custom made for LT61, PROTOTYPE finish".
I even found enclosed, all the Axiom cables I'll need to hook it up.............. (I will have to go to Home Depot to get the speaker wire though).

I really hesitated posting this, ( some here I think, can be a wee bit envious) but,....deep down, I know you all will be happy for me, AND I wanted not only to thank who, (or whom ever) did this selfless, wonderful gesture....AND to SHARE my thrill, and joy, over this gift of a lifetime!

Again, many, many, thanks to any, and all involved!

I WILL POST AGAIN, (even though I have very limited access to the forum lately) when I get everthing set up, and give 'er a whirl.


LIFE: "Choices, balance, and timing"
