The deafening silence that you are hearing suggests that nobody has really found any great outdoor speakers - although somebody recommended the Rockets on a similar thread a while back. My wife and I listened to most of the speakers you have heard and decided that the speakers that sounded best to us (which really meant that they sounded least bad) were made by Dual and cost $49. We were willing to go up to $400, but really thought the Duals sounded best. I'm not thrilled with them at home and I suspect that some of the more expensive speakers would have actually sounded better in the outdoor environment... At this point, I have decided that I will keep them until they wear out as all outdoor speakers eventually do (or so my friends who have had to replace them every 10 years or so tell me) and at that time I will take my chances by putting some M3Tis or W22s (or the future version thereof) outside under the overhang and see how long they last. If I could get 3-5 years out of them I would consider it a worthwhile expenditure.