I hope they get it together. I have not jumped on the XBOX 360 bandwagon because a. I don't have an HDTV and won't for a while (yay new macbook!) and b. when it comes to gaming my addiction is still satiated by World of Warcraft. However, I picked up Guitar Hero about a month ago and it's been taking over my life. So if the PS3 will let me play Guitar Hero and the sequel due in Nov. and they allow the downloading of new songs to play they will own my soul.
Are you paying attention Sony?! I'm offering you my soul in exchange for a monthly fix of songs to play on a fake, plastic guitar. Cheap!

Oh and to the point of the thread... I'm agnostic when it comes to HD DVD or Blueray. Where I am not is in relation to the DRM they come up with. DRM measure as they stand now are the suck. /soapboxing


"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." C Hitchens