And for me I can't wait. I guess it may depend on your display. At 104" with a High-Def capable projector, any little compression flaw or artifact shows up with regular DVDs... I'm using an upconverting DVD player now to make it seem better, but true HD will be awesome!

Although, I won't jump on the band wagon just yet. Give me at least until Christmas 2007. By then we should see a lot more titles, and better players available. And who knows... Maybe someone will start leading this HD war...

Of course, HomeDad keeps pushing Blu-Ray on his PS3 he will get later this year. (This is so fun teasing HomeDad. I've never even met the guy, and I feel like any High-Def post I make, I have to poke fun at him and his dream of PS3 with Blu-Ray. Again HomeDad, all in fun. Next time you are in Iowa (yeah right) let me know. I'll treat you to dinner. Granted, it may be fast food, but just the same.)

Farewell - June 4, 2020