Thank you Alan,

The specific test I am trying to meet is an Eurocae standard ED-112. The microphone is to be used in a cockpit voice recorder aplication. ED-112 wants to ensure that the distortion at 120 dB does not exceed 10% at 1 kHz. It is probably not the most up to date standard in terms of testing, but it is what the FAA says I have to meet. Do you have suggestions for a manufacturer of large horn-loaded speakers? I have taken a look at Mackie as they have some impressive SPL numbers in a relatively small encosure, but I would prefer just to buy the horn and not the entire loudspeaker as I have to fit it in an environmental chamber.

Also, could you advise on an Axiom product that has the flattest frequency response between 150Hz and 10kHz? The SPL for the frequency response test is 60dB and 94dB.

Appreciate the input.
