You would have to say that as I have been listening to my system with my little M22s. For the past couple weeks I haven been yearning for a pair of M60s or M80s. A sort of Deja Vu feeling engulfed me and all of sudden it dawned on me, as has happened before, that there is no sound coming from my HSU VTF3. Ohh, Noo, has my Xmas present to myself up and died already? I checked the power switch--nothing is happening. A feeling of dread is now overtaking me. What have I done? I need some bass. Lastly, I look at the back of my receiver and I notice that the sub cable is not plugged in to the sub-out. For a couple of weeks I listened to my system without my sub and I didn't even realize it. I just knew that somehow I had to get a pair of M60s/80s. Now that my sub is working again, I don't know.