Thanks FordPerfect for the link. Sounds like one kit would do it for me, but it is $215 for the kit. I don't mind all of the hours of wiring up my own self made "kit", plus I could get more variation in blub size/color. I would be looking for a mix of white 3mm, white 5mm, blue 3mm, and UV 3mm. Many of these are available in self "blinking" so I would mix in various bulbs that blink with the ones that don't. That should provide a starfield that has various sizes (just like stars at night), plus stars that look a little distance away (blue) and a lot further away (ultraviolet)...

Seems like parallel wiring is the only way to go (thanks INANE, and danmagicman7 for the link). Looks like it could be done in series, but about 3 LEDs in to the circuit, there wouldn't be any voltage left, so it really wouldn't work. So to do it in parallel, I would need a lot of wire, and resistors for most, if not all, of the LEDs to get them to accept the common source voltage.

Thanks guys!

Farewell - June 4, 2020