Thanks everyone!!

Spent the day painting the never ending basement project!! Sure wish I would have bought a dark primer for the HT room paint though. UGG!! Three coats and the white is still poking through. Two gallons later and I need to buy more paint. I got the rest of the basement finished though, so that’s a bit of a relief. I start laying the tile today.

I’ve been dreading the big ol’ 4 – 0. I promised my family I’d slow down some when I turn 40 and I’m gunna have to give up something to appease them. I don’t feel older today, but I’m not all that happy about “being in my forties” though.

Note to self. Do not assume the 16 YO at the hardware store can mix paint; your “tan” may end up looking “pink”. Adding white makes the “pink” look even pinker. Do not roll paint over spiders, it leaves little spots under the “pink” paint………. everywhere.