Thanks for the replies. My Set top Box (I hope that is what STB stands for) processes all the signal before it gets to the receiver so I imagine the capabilities are in the box and the original signal. I have seen only a few time where I can use anything other than stereo, which I use all the time.

So if I understand the science the sound originates with the station (Doh), then gets processed through the set top box, then gets played with or passed through the receiver depending upon whether it is digital, digital surround, or analog and not much of this sound reproduction having anything to do with the TV itself.

So a great receiver MIGHT make a difference but if the station is broadcastng junk there's nothihg but junk going to get through to my wonderful M22's. And on the rare occasion a station is broadcasting in dolby or some other such modern new technology, then my receiver can decode that and voila' surround sound from the TV?

Anything I missed? EDIT: Can't for the life of me figure out what OTA stands for.
