
Thanks for the info...i am going back and forth with the fronts/sub...between Axiom and Aperion....

Interesting!! I just noticed that the Aperion bookshelf model is very close to the "Brand X" speakers I was using that I commented on earlier!

I call them "brand X" just for giggles, they really aren't bad speakers. But I noticed that the componentry is very much the same!

They don't sound much like the Axioms at all, and it leads me to wonder what kind of sound it is that you have in mind?

The Axioms are likely to be quite a bit more to the foreward side of the spectrum and perhaps a bit livelier than the Aperions. While the Aperions are possibly more to the warm side and less accurate in their presentation. I'm only guessing here, but it could be a consideration, as the QS8s will more closely match the Axiom overall sonic characteristics and might be a point of contention each time a rousing action flick pops on TV!

If the QS8s are the starting point for a system and the sonic signature is oriented toward Axiom, then the Axiom front speakers would also be worty of consideration!

.......ain't THAT stating the obvious!!

Subs are another matter and a topic upon themselves!!

Happy Hunting!