Hi Andrew,

In theory, the faster the color wheel and the more segments it has, the less visible will be the "rainbow effects" that are a potential side effect of DLP front and rear-projection units.

However, I've found little correlation of visible rainbow effects with the stated color wheel rpm and number of segments.

Only a tiny percentage of viewers are susceptible to seeing rainbow effects (brief flashes of rainbow-like colors sometimes visible in night scenes with bright lights in the image). Do you see any rainbow effects with either set, or with other DLP sets?

Because I test stuff and write about it, I taught myself to see rainbow effects and I'm not going to tell you how to do it because then you might look for them and find them annoying. None of my friends or family have ever complained or noticed rainbow effects with my 50-inch Samsung, nor has anyone at Axiom's plant noticed them using various DLP projectors.

If you don't see them, don't worry about the color wheel specs. The only DLP sets that do not produce rainbow effects are the new Samsung set that uses three separate red, green and blue LED light sources instead of a single projector bulb, and very expensive three-chip DLP projectors.

The RS-232 connection is used for some whole-house computer control and universal control systems, if memory serves. Other board members can correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Alan Lofft,
Axiom Resident Expert (Retired)