Okay that's good to know. Does running at 8ohms reduce the quality of the QS8s (or reduce their lifespan)? I'm not really sure how the impedance relates to the speaker sound quality/power/longevity (although I have noticed that higher quality speakers tend to have lower ohm ratings).

Edit: Nevermind. I did some googling and found a good link about my setting in the Yamaha: http://www.audioholics.com/productreviews/avhardware/YamahaRX-V4600HTp2.php.

"I recommend the "Minimum 8-ohms" setting even for 4-ohm speakers of moderate efficiency (>89dB SPL). Yamaha includes a" 6-ohm" setting to satisfy UL heat dissipation requirements when driving 4-ohm loads, as well as easing consumer concerns about driving low impedance loads. These switches step down voltage feed to the power sections which can limit dynamics and overall fidelity. My advice is to keep the switch set to "Minimum 8-ohms" regardless of the impedance of your speakers and ensure proper ventilation of the Receiver."

Thanks for the help.

Last edited by Banin; 07/21/06 08:32 PM.

TV: Panasonic TH-50PHD8UK (50" HD) Receiver: Yamaha RX-V2600