You guys crack me up!

Somebody hit Mark with some tear gas.

No, I've not yet acquired a midlife crisis car, but I certainly entertain the concept in idle moments. I have some process problems in that regard.

Apparently, I've been informed by my hip friends that Real Men don't drive either Boxsters or Miatas (Miati?). And there's a guy at my office that has wrecked the Z3/Z4 concept for me. Which leaves me with a Honda S2000, Pontiac Solstice (if you could find/buy one), a regrettably-discontinued Toyota MR2, something vintage and/or something that guzzles gas. I'm not a mechanic, and I've pushed enough Fiats and MG's in my life to understand the intangible costs. I mean, really, where I live (the beautiful Pacific Northwest), having a convertible anything is really a mixed blessing. You can only fantasize about driving it with the top down for about 3-4 months of the year and the rest of the time, it would just be noisy, moist and moldy. And during the Top-Down Weather, it's usually so freakin' hot and bright that you might not be comfortable anyway.

I never really cared as much about feeling/looking "cool" as I do about getting good Value. And I'm firmly on the "Happy Wife, Happy Life" plan. So, for me to indulge in a fun, sporty car, Julie would have to want the car more than she wants tile floors, air conditioning, furniture, etc.

The thing I DO have going for me is that often, when we see particularly curvaceous automobiles, my beautiful wife will rightly comment that she'd "look good in that". Then, invariably, one of the kids in the back of the minivan will snap us back to reality.

Keep hope alive!

bibere usque ad hilaritatem